On Thursday, February 13 the Penn clinic will open at 1:00 p.m. and the Midtown night clinic will open as scheduled.

If you feel you may be experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please contact us at 405.749.0800. Click for COVID-19 details.

To become a patient at the Crossings Community Clinic, patients should:

  • Have no medical insurance and do not qualify for medical insurance (Medicaid, etc.) If you are eligible to apply for Medicaid, you must present a Medicaid denial letter in order to become a patient at Crossings.
  • Be between the ages of 18 and 64
  • Live in Oklahoma county
  • Provide current household financials and proof of income reflecting household income at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines 

All new patients should bring the following to the Clinic:

  • Valid photo ID
  • List of current medications
  • Medical records (if available)
  • Recent utility bill
  • Proof of household income
  • Completed application packet paperwork to begin review of your application

If you meet the above eligibility requirements, please use the red button below to fill out the New Patient Packet.

New Patient Packet

Requerimientos de paciente:

  • No puede tener seguro médico o elegible para seguro médico ( Medicaid etc ..) Si usted es elegible para aplicar a Medicaid, usted tendrá que presentar una carta de negación de parte de Medicaid para ser paciente.
  • Estar dentro de las edades 18-64
  • Vivir en el condado de Oklahoma 
  • Proveer comprobante de ingresos financieros actuales de todas las personas que vivían en el hogar y estar al 300% o menos de las pautas de pobreza federal.    

Si usted considera que cumple con estos requisitos, favor de completar un paquete de paciente nuevo.

Todos pacientes nuevos deben proveer la siguiente información al Clínica:

  • identification válida con fotografía
  • lista de medicamentos
  • récords médicos (si tiene)
  • comprobante de domicilio
  • comprobante de ingresos del hogar
  • aplicación completa

New Patient Packet (En Español)

Clinic Treatment limitations exist for the following:

  • Emergency conditions. For all emergencies, call 911.
  • Individuals who are seeking treatment for work-related injuries.
  • Individuals who are seeking treatment with the intention of applying for Social Security Disability benefits.
  • Individuals who intend to commence an action in a court or other tribunal that in any way relates to the medical issue for which the individual is seeking treatment.